Junkrat Overwatch 2: Mastering Chaos with the King of Explosions

Last Updated on April 7, 2024 by Alex Johnson

Ever wondered how to master the art of chaos with Overwatch 2‘s wildest hero, Junkrat? You’re in the right place! I’m John Harrington, and I’m here to guide you through the explosive world of Junkrat, the game’s most unpredictable character.

From lobbing grenades to strategic trap placements, we’ll dive into how to turn Junkrat’s anarchic abilities into your tactical advantage. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the chaos, this guide will show you how to disrupt the battlefield, outsmart your enemies, and make every match an explosive spectacle.

Let’s ignite the fuse together and master the mayhem that is Junkrat in Overwatch 2.

Summarized for You

  • Map Knowledge is Key: Understanding the layout of each map allows for strategic trap placements and ambushes.
  • Height Advantage: Utilizing Concussion Mines for mobility to gain high ground can make your attacks more effective and harder to predict.
  • Trap + Mine Combo: A deadly duo for instant kills on less durable heroes, showcasing Junkrat’s area denial capabilities.
  • RIP-Tire Strategy: Using flanking routes and timing for the RIP-Tire can lead to game-changing multi-kills.
  • Embrace Unpredictability: Junkrat’s strength lies in his ability to disrupt enemy plans and create chaos, turning the tide of battle in your favor.

As we dive into the details, keep these key points in mind to elevate your Junkrat gameplay from merely chaotic to strategically catastrophic.

The Problem with Predictability

Imagine stepping into the vibrant world of Overwatch 2, where every move you make is a predictable echo of the last. You follow the same paths, employ the same strategies, and become easy prey. This predictability is a silent killer, lurking in the shadows of every match. But then, there’s Junkrat, a beacon of chaos in a sea of order.

As I’ve navigated through countless battles, I’ve seen how sticking to the script can lead to downfall. It’s when I embraced Junkrat’s unpredictable nature that the game truly opened up for me. You see, Junkrat doesn’t just play the game; he redefines it. Each grenade lobbed, each trap set, is a step away from predictability. It’s a thrilling dance on the edge of chaos, where every match becomes an unpredictable masterpiece.

As you join me in embracing Junkrat’s approach, you’ll discover the power of unpredictability. Together, we’ll turn the battlefield into a canvas, painting our path to victory with bold, unexpected strokes.

Agitate with Anarchy

Diving deeper into Junkrat’s arsenal feels like unlocking a treasure chest of mayhem. Each tool, from the bouncing destruction of his Frag Launcher to the strategic surprise of his RIP-Tire, is a lesson in controlled chaos.

I’ve lost count of the times a well-placed Concussion Mine has turned the tide of battle, propelling me to victory or, occasionally, an unexpected demise. It’s this balance between risk and reward that makes playing Junkrat an exhilarating tightrope walk. You’re not just playing a character; you’re embodying an ideology of anarchy. It’s about pushing the boundaries, testing limits, and sometimes, yes, teetering on the brink of insanity. But fear not, for within this anarchy lies a strategy, a method to the madness.

As we navigate this anarchic journey together, I’ll share the secrets to harnessing Junkrat’s chaotic potential, turning what seems like reckless abandon into a calculated strategy of disruption.

Solving with Strategy

Behind the veil of Junkrat’s chaos lies a strategic mind, a master of unpredictability with a plan for every move. It’s easy to dismiss his antics as mere madness, but as I’ve delved deeper into his playstyle, I’ve uncovered a layer of strategic depth that’s both profound and impactful.

Each grenade, each trap, isn’t just about causing damage; it’s about controlling the battlefield, dictating the flow of the game. The key lies in anticipation, in understanding not just where your enemy is, but where they will be. This strategic foresight has transformed how I approach each match, turning seemingly random actions into calculated steps towards victory.

As you embark on this journey with me, embracing Junkrat’s strategic chaos, you’ll discover that the line between genius and insanity blurs. Together, we’ll delve into the art of turning chaos into a weapon, leveraging unpredictability as our greatest ally. Thus, let’s redefine the game, one explosion at a time.

Junkrat’s Arsenal: A Closer Look

Junkrat's Arsenal: A Closer LookLet’s dive into the explosive world of Junkrat in Overwatch 2, focusing on the intricacies of his arsenal. Each piece of his kit is designed not just for sheer damage but for strategic depth, allowing for a gameplay experience that’s as dynamic as it is destructive.

Here’s a detailed breakdown, incorporating all the essential stats, including cooldown times and keybindings, to help you maximize Junkrat’s potential on the battlefield.

Frag Launcher

At the heart of Junkrat’s arsenal, the Frag Launcher is more than just a weapon; it’s a statement. Each grenade lobbed is a potential game-changer, dealing 40 damage on a direct hit and varying amounts of splash damage to nearby enemies. The anticipation game here is key.

Frag LauncherMain Weapon
Type Bouncing explosive projectile weapon.
Area of effectBlocked by barriers.
Partially blocked by Defense Matrix/Kinetic Grasp.
Partially blocked by Deflect/Javelin Spin.
Ignores Deflect/Javelin Spin.
Affected by damage boosts.
Partially affected by Amplification Matrix.
Throw with Primary Fire (Left Mouse Button)
Damage40 (direct hit)
80 – 10 (splash, enemy)
Ammo 5 grenades per reload
Rate of fire1 shot per 0.667 seconds
recovery stops while using melee
Reload time1.5 seconds animation
Area of effect0.25 meters (projectile size)
2 meters (splash radius)
Move speed+5 m/s (enemy after direct hit)
Projectile speed25 m/s

Predicting enemy movements allows you to turn the battlefield into a no-go zone, with grenades bouncing unpredictably around corners and through choke points. The artistry in using this weapon lies in your ability to foresee the enemy’s next move, making each shot a calculated prediction of where they’ll be. Junkrat’s Frag Launcher is a masterpiece of destruction, a tool that embodies the chaotic spirit of its wielder. When I unleash a volley of grenades, they’re not just projectiles; they’re harbingers of mayhem, bouncing unpredictably until they find their mark. The beauty of these grenades lies in their versatility. With a damage per second of 180 while firing, and an overall 124.13 DPS considering reload time, they’re a constant threat on the battlefield.

Calculated Chaos: Unleashing Strategy with Junkrat’s Frag Launcher in Overwatch 2

The grenades have a life of their own, exploding after bouncing twice or upon direct contact with an enemy. It’s a thrilling moment when you hear that distinct audio cue, signaling an imminent explosion. This brief pause, just 0.3 seconds before detonation, is your last chance to savor the anticipation before the blast. And if you thought the chaos ends there, think again. These grenades can bounce off walls and objects, each rebound a potential death sentence for unwary foes. But here’s where strategy intertwines with chaos.

Abilities like D.Va’s Defense Matrix, Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp, and Genji’s Deflect can interact with these projectiles mid-air, adding a layer of depth to each encounter. Yet, the splash damage, a relentless force, remains unaffected, ensuring that even the best defenses have vulnerabilities. And let’s not overlook the strategic nuance added by Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix. Passing a grenade through it doesn’t just amplify the damage; it turns it into a tactical nuke. However, it’s the splash damage that truly shines here, unaffected by the matrix, ensuring that your strategic placement pays off.

In the dance of destruction that is Overwatch 2, mastering the Frag Launcher is about embracing the unpredictability, turning what may seem like chaos into a calculated strategy. As you and I navigate this explosive landscape, remember, each grenade is not just a tool of destruction but a statement of intent, a declaration that Junkrat reigns supreme in the art of controlled chaos.

Concussion Mine

This ability is Junkrat’s ace for mobility and crowd control, capable of propelling both you and your enemies into the air. Each mine deals 110 damage to enemies within its radius, with strategic placement and timing elevating your gameplay. Whether you’re using it to reach a vantage point or to disrupt the enemy’s formation, the Concussion Mine is a testament to Junkrat’s versatility on the battlefield.

Concussion MineAbility
Type Homemade Concussion Mines
Area of effectPartially blocked by barriers.
Partially blocked by Defense Matrix/Kinetic Grasp.
Partially blocked by Deflect/Javelin Spin.
Affected by damage boosts.
Partially affected by Amplification Matrix.
Throw with Primary Fire LSHIFT, then detonate it with Key mouse 2.
Cooldown8 seconds per charge
Damage110 – 30
Ammo 2 charges
Cast time0.128 second for throw + 0.112 s. recovery for detonation
Area of effect3 meters radius
DurationUntil detonated/replaced
Move speed15 m/s
Projectile speed25 m/s

Junkrat’s Concussion Mine is not just any ordinary explosive; it’s a versatile masterpiece that epitomizes the essence of strategic gameplay in Overwatch 2. When I deploy this mine, it’s with the intention of creating opportunities, be it launching enemies into the air or propelling myself to strategic vantage points. The mine’s ability to adhere to any terrain and its unique interaction with barriers adds a layer of depth to its deployment. It’s fascinating how it can bounce off barriers initially, yet eventually pass through them, a feature that demands strategic foresight in placement.

Mastering Chaos: The Tactical Ingenuity of Junkrat’s Concussion Mine in Overwatch 2

The resilience of the Concussion Mine is noteworthy. While enemy players can destroy it, preventing its detonation, its immunity to self-damage transforms it into an invaluable mobility tool for me. This aspect alone revolutionizes how I navigate the battlefield, turning Junkrat into a highly mobile threat capable of surprising enemies from unexpected angles. Moreover, the interaction with defensive abilities like D.Va’s Defense Matrix, Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp, and Genji’s Deflect introduces a tactical layer to its use. It’s a game of cat and mouse, predicting and outmaneuvering opponents’ attempts to neutralize this threat. And while Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix might enhance its damage, the true power of the mine lies in its knockback effect, unaffected by amplification, ensuring its utility remains consistent.

The strategic placement and timing of detonation are crucial. The ability to alter the mine’s trajectory mid-flight or the automatic disappearance of an existing mine upon deploying a new one requires judicious management. The vertical and horizontal knockback effects are not just mechanisms for damage but tools for controlling enemy positioning and disrupting their strategies.

In essence, mastering the Concussion Mine is about embracing Junkrat’s chaotic potential while applying a layer of strategic thought. It’s a testament to the dynamic gameplay Overwatch 2 offers, where creativity and tactical ingenuity lead to explosive results. As we delve deeper into Junkrat’s arsenal, remember, each mine placed is a step closer to mastering the art of controlled chaos, making every match an exhilarating experience of unpredictability and strategic depth.

Steel Trap

A silent guardian, the Steel Trap is your answer to flankers and fast-moving targets. Once triggered, it deals 100 damage and immobilizes the victim for 3 seconds, making it a perfect setup for a follow-up attack. Placing it in shadowed areas or around corners can turn the tide of battle, transforming Junkrat into a master tactician capable of controlling the flow of the game.

Steel TrapAbility
Type Place an immobilizing trap
Area of effectPartially Ignores barriers.
Throw withE
Cooldown10 seconds per charge
Cast timeInstant + 0.33 seconds recovery
Area of effect1 meters radius
DurationUntil triggered/replaced (trap)
2.5 seconds (root)
Move speed15 m/s (booped enemy)
Projectile speed17 m/s

Junkrat’s Steel Trap is a marvel of engineering, a testament to the chaotic genius that defines him in Overwatch 2. When I deploy this trap, it’s not just about setting a snare; it’s about creating a zone of control, a psychological barrier that enemies dare not cross. The trap’s ability to cling to any walkable surface and its unique interaction with barriers add a strategic layer to its placement. It’s intriguing how it initially bounces off barriers, only to settle into place, ready to spring on unsuspecting foes.

Junkrat’s Steel Trap and the Art of Strategic Dominance

The resilience of the Steel Trap is notable. While it can be destroyed by vigilant enemies, its visibility through walls to Junkrat turns it into a strategic beacon on the battlefield. This feature allows me to lay traps with precision, turning the environment into an ally in my quest for dominance. The auditory cue received upon its activation or destruction is music to my ears, signaling the perfect moment to strike or a warning to adapt my strategy. Moreover, the trap’s interaction with abilities like Zarya’s Particle Barrier showcases the depth of tactical gameplay in Overwatch 2. It’s a dance of counters and strategy, where each placement and each encounter could tilt the scales of battle. The fact that trapped enemies can be freed by displacement abilities, unless the trap itself is moved with them, adds an intriguing dynamic to team fights and strategic positioning.

Mastering the Steel Trap is about more than just injuring and immobilizing foes; it’s about mastering the art of anticipation and control. Each trap laid is a statement, a declaration of territory, and a challenge to opponents. As we navigate the chaotic battlefields of Overwatch 2, remember, the Steel Trap is not just a tool in Junkrat’s arsenal—it’s a manifestation of the strategic depth and dynamic interactions that make the game an endlessly engaging experience of strategy, skill, and a touch of madness.

Total Mayhem

Junkrat’s passive ability turns defeat into an opportunity for revenge. Upon death, you drop several live grenades, each dealing 50 damage, ensuring that even in the end, Junkrat has the last laugh. This ability encourages aggressive play, allowing you to dive into the fray with the confidence that you can still impact the outcome of a skirmish, even from beyond the grave.

Total MayhemPassive Ability
Type Deals no damage to self with explosives
Area of effectPartially blocked by barriers.
Partially blocked by Defense Matrix/Kinetic Grasp.
Partially blocked by Deflect/Javelin Spin.
Affected by damage boosts.
Partially affected by Amplification Matrix.
Damage50 per grenade
Cast time0.7 seconds (detonation)
Bullets per shot 6 grenades

Junkrat’s final laugh in the face of defeat, Total Mayhem, is a brilliant showcase of his unyielding spirit and deranged sense of humor. Even in death, I find a way to leave a mark on the battlefield, dropping live grenades that promise destruction to anyone too close. This unique ability ensures that Junkrat never truly leaves the fight without a parting gift, turning each demise into a potential victory.

Total Mayhem: Junkrat’s Last Laugh and the Intricacies of Overwatch 2’s Chaos

The fact that these grenades do not harm Junkrat himself is a testament to the chaotic design of his arsenal. They fall to the ground, devoid of any momentum I had in life, ensuring a surprise for anyone lurking too close to my last stand. It’s a moment of suspense, watching from beyond as enemies unwittingly step into the final trap I’ve left behind. What’s fascinating is how these grenades interact with the abilities of other heroes. D.Va’s Defense Matrix, Orisa’s Javelin Spin, and Sigma’s Kinetic Grasp can negate the grenades, while Genji’s Deflect turns my own weapons against my allies.

Yet, in the dance of abilities and counters, Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix stands out. It amplifies the damage of grenades that pass through it. This serves as a reminder of the ever-present threat they pose. The grenades’ inability to penetrate barriers with their explosions adds a layer of strategy, even in death. It challenges enemies to navigate the aftermath of my demise carefully.

This aspect of Total Mayhem embodies the essence of playing Junkrat: even in the most dire situations, there’s always a chance to turn the tables, to laugh in the face of adversity, and to remind everyone that in Overwatch 2, chaos is not just a ladder—it’s a way of life.


The crown jewel of Junkrat’s chaotic arsenal, the RIP-Tire is the ultimate disruptor. Consequently, with the ability to deal up to 600 damage in a wide radius, it can single-handedly wipe teams or force them out of position. Furthermore, the tire’s mobility, combined with its climbing ability, allows for unexpected angles of attack, thereby making it a constant threat.

RIP-TireUltimate Ability
Type Drive and detonate an exploding tire.
Area of effectPartially blocked by barriers.
Damage600 – 100 ,decreases with distance from the center
Charge Required 1925 points, Passively gain 100% in 6 minutes and 25 seconds
Health100 (for the tire)
Cast time1.536 seconds + recovery 0.08 s.
Duration Up to 10 seconds or until detonation
Area of Effect 10 meter radius
Move Speed secondTire moves at 12 meters per

The key to mastering the RIP-Tire is unpredictability; using unexpected paths and timing the detonation perfectly can turn an entire match in your favor. When I unleash Junkrat’s RIP-Tire, it’s not just an attack; it’s a declaration of chaos. This motorized menace, capable of scaling walls and leaping over obstacles, embodies the unpredictable nature of warfare in Overwatch 2. The thrill of steering this explosive device across the battlefield, deciding the perfect moment to detonate and wreak havoc, is unmatched. It’s a strategic tool that demands respect and fear from the opposition.

The Unstoppable Force of Junkrat’s RIP-Tire

The resilience of the RIP-Tire is remarkable. Even if I’m caught in the grip of crowd control or meet my untimely demise, the tire spins on, a testament to Junkrat’s enduring influence on the fight. This autonomy makes the RIP-Tire a persistent threat, one that can turn the tide of battle in an instant. One of the most satisfying moments is watching the tire climb walls. This ability opens up unexpected attack angles and strategies. This agility allows me to bypass common defenses, catching enemies off-guard and delivering devastating blows. And the instant replenishment of my Frag Launcher ammo upon its deployment? It ensures I’m ready to jump back into action, maintaining the pressure and keeping the enemy on their toes.

Mastering Mayhem: Junkrat’s Arsenal in Overwatch 2

However, it’s crucial to remember the tire’s vulnerability to barriers. While it can physically pass through them, its explosive impact is contained. This serves as a reminder of the strategic depth of Overwatch 2’s combat. Navigating these obstacles, finding the gap in the enemy’s armor, and delivering the tire to its target is a dance of death. It’s a dance that I relish with every detonation. In essence, mastering the RIP-Tire is about embracing the heart of Junkrat’s playstyle: chaos, unpredictability, and the sheer joy of blowing things up. It’s a powerful reminder that in the right hands, even the most deranged inventions can become instruments of victory.

Each ability in Junkrat’s arsenal is a testament to his role as a master of chaos and destruction. From the bouncing unpredictability of his Frag Launcher to the strategic depth of his Steel Trap and the game-changing potential of his RIP-Tire, mastering Junkrat means understanding the nuances of timing, placement, and anticipation. Whether you’re laying traps to catch unsuspecting enemies or using your Concussion Mine for high-flying acrobatics, each tool offers a unique way to control the battlefield. These tools disrupt your opponents. So, load up. Aim carefully, and let the mayhem begin!

Playing Junkrat Like a Pro

Playing Junkrat Like a ProMastering Junkrat in Overwatch 2 isn’t just about embracing chaos; it’s about crafting it with precision and strategic insight. Consequently, let me guide you through the nuances of playing Junkrat like a pro. In this endeavor, knowledge and cunning serve to elevate your gameplay to explosive new heights.

Map Knowledge is Key

Diving into the fray with Junkrat means more than just lobbing grenades at random. It’s about knowing your battlegrounds inside and out. I’ve spent countless hours studying every map, identifying the perfect spots for ambushes and escapes. This deep understanding allows me to use the environment to my advantage, turning the terrain into an ally. When you know where enemies are likely to group up or the paths they prefer, you can set traps. You can also launch attacks that they’ll never see coming.

Height Advantage

One of Junkrat’s greatest strengths is his ability to control the vertical space with his Concussion Mines. By propelling myself onto rooftops or ledges, I gain a vantage point that makes my grenades even more deadly. From above, I can rain down chaos, forcing enemies to scatter and making it difficult for them to retaliate. This elevated position isn’t just about offense. It’s also a defensive strategy that keeps me out of the reach of short-range attackers.

Trap + Mine Combo

This deadly duo is the cornerstone of any skilled Junkrat player’s strategy. By placing a Steel Trap and a Concussion Mine together, I can instantly eliminate most “squishy” heroes. This happens when they stumble into my trap. This happens when they stumble into my trap. It’s a satisfying and effective tactic that secures key kills and protects critical points on the map. This combo requires patience and prediction, but when executed correctly, it’s incredibly rewarding.

RIP-Tire Routes

Unleashing Junkrat’s ultimate, the RIP-Tire, is about more than just dealing damage; it’s about psychological warfare. I’ve learned to navigate my tire through less-traveled paths, striking from angles that the enemy doesn’t expect. Consequently, the element of surprise is crucial, as the sound of the tire revving up can send opponents into a panic. Therefore, by approaching silently and detonating at the opportune moment, I can turn the tide of battle in our favor.

Playing Junkrat at a high level involves blending creativity with strategy, requiring you to use every tool at your disposal to outsmart and outmaneuver your opponents. Furthermore, it’s a playstyle that rewards boldness and ingenuity, where every match presents an opportunity to turn the battlefield into your personal playground of destruction. Therefore, join me in mastering Junkrat, and together, let’s show the world the true art of chaos.

Countering Common Misconceptions

  • “Junkrat is just spam”: False. While his Frag Launcher is great for area denial, precision and prediction turn good Junkrats into great ones.
  • “Junkrat is easy to counter”: Only if you’re predictable. Change your angles, switch up your strategies, and always keep them guessing.

Embracing the Chaos

When we delve into the world of our favorite chaos-conjurer, Junkrat, from Overwatch 2, we engage in a rich experience. We’re doing more than just discussing gameplay strategies. We’re learning how to make our insights and stories stand out in the digital realm. Imagine setting the perfect Concussion Mine trap. Similarly, we aim for our content to leap to the forefront of search results. Our goal is to capture the attention of gamers and Junkrat fans everywhere.

Consider this: whenever you seek out strategies for excelling on the battlefield with Junkrat, you’re searching for something specific. You’re looking for that one piece of content that resonates, combining strategy, humor, and a dash of anarchy. That’s the essence of what we’re achieving here. It’s akin to setting a Steel Trap in the endless forest of online content. This ensures that when you’re on the hunt for top-notch Junkrat strategies, you’re well-prepared. You find precisely what you’re looking for.

As we navigate the chaotic brilliance Junkrat brings to Overwatch 2, we encounter a similar journey in the world of digital content visibility. Our goal is to ensure our articles are as dynamic and impactful as Junkrat’s presence in-game. Together, let’s ignite the fuse. We’re exploring the volatile world of Overwatch 2. Our journey is filled with strategies, tips, and insights that are merely a search away.

Conclusion: The Art of Controlled Chaos

Junkrat embodies more than just a role within Overwatch 2; he represents a fundamental shift in how we approach the game. In an environment where precision and predictability often dictate the flow of battle, Junkrat introduces a refreshing element of unpredictability.

This chaotic approach isn’t just about disrupting the enemy; it’s a testament to the creativity and adaptability that the game encourages. By mastering Junkrat, players learn the value of flexibility and the power of surprise. They also understand the importance of thinking outside the conventional strategies. It’s a reminder that in the midst of chaos, there’s a strategy waiting to be unleashed.

As we embrace Junkrat’s anarchic tactics, we’re not just playing a game. We’re engaging in a dynamic form of art that challenges norms and redefines victory. Ignite the spark, aim with anticipation, and let Junkrat’s explosive artistry inspire your path to triumph in Overwatch 2. Let the chaos reign. Show the world the true prowess of mastering the unpredictable.


What strategies should I employ to excel as Junkrat in Overwatch 2?

Focus on area denial, use your traps and mines to control enemy movement, and always stay mobile. Learning map layouts to find the best spots for ambushes and understanding when to use your RIP-Tire can significantly increase your impact in matches.

How does Junkrat fit into various team compositions?

Junkrat excels in compositions that benefit from chaos and disruption. He’s particularly effective in tight spaces and on maps with key choke points. This makes him a great choice for defensive setups or to break through fortified positions.

What are the best counters to Junkrat, and how can I mitigate them?

To combat long-range adversaries such as Widowmaker and Hanzo, as well as Pharah, who has an aerial advantage, it’s imperative to utilize the environment for cover. Additionally, employing unpredictable movements can significantly mitigate these counters. Furthermore, coordinating with your team is essential to directly address these threats, ensuring Junkrat’s effectiveness on the battlefield remains unhampered.

Can Junkrat be effective on every map?

While Junkrat can be effective on most maps, his performance shines in environments with narrow passages and enclosed spaces. In these settings, his explosives can cause maximum disruption. Open areas may require a more strategic approach to find success.

How important is team communication when playing as Junkrat?

Communicating trap placements, RIP-Tire paths, and flank attempts with your team is extremely important. Consequently, this can transform Junkrat from a solo disruptor into a key team player. It significantly enhances your team’s overall strategy and effectiveness.

What’s the best way to practice and improve my skills with Junkrat?

Practice in various maps to understand how best to utilize his kit in different environments. Custom games can be particularly useful for experimenting with RIP-Tire routes and trap placements without the pressure of competitive play.

How can I use Junkrat’s Concussion Mine for mobility effectively?

Master the timing and placement of your mines to propel Junkrat to high ground or across gaps. Practice in a safe environment to get a feel for the physics and how it can best be used to your advantage.

What role does Junkrat play in pushing or defending objectives?

In offensive scenarios, Junkrat can dislodge entrenched enemies, making it easier for his team to push. Defensively, his traps and area denial abilities make it difficult for attackers to capture points without risking significant damage.

Are there any specific heroes Junkrat pairs well with?

Junkrat synergizes well with heroes that can capitalize on haos. For instance, Zarya with her Graviton Surge can cluster enemies for an easy RIP-Tire target. Orisa can pull enemies into Junkrat’s traps and mines for combined area control.

Remember, mastering Junkrat is about embracing unpredictability and chaos as tools for strategic advantage. With practice and creativity, you can turn any match into an explosive victory.

About John Harrington

Hello! I'm John Harrington, an experienced Overwatch player. I'm drawn to its diverse heroes and strategic gameplay. On adrenalinegameworld.com, I'll share practical tips and strategies to help you improve your game. Let's conquer Overwatch together!

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One comment

  1. Very informative , i like it.

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