Mastering the Apex Legends Orientation Match: A Beginner’s Blueprint

Welcome, future legends! I’m Theron Nalls, your guide through the adrenaline-fueled world of Apex Legends.

Picture this: you’ve just downloaded Apex, pumped to join the fray, but hold up—what’s this Orientation Match all about? Fear not! I’m here to break down everything you need to know to dominate your initiation into the Apex Games.

Summarized for you:

  • Orientation Matches as Your Launchpad: They’re the perfect introduction to Apex Legends, blending excitement with essential learning to prepare you for the game’s intensity.
  • Winning Matters: Emerging victorious in two Orientation Matches is your ticket to the broader Apex universe, marking your transition from novice to ready contender.
  • Strategic and Team Play: These matches are invaluable for experimenting with strategies and honing teamwork skills in a low-pressure environment.
  • The Real Journey Begins Post-Orientation: Use the skills and confidence gained to face the challenges of playing against more seasoned players.
  • FAQs Addressed: From the number of Orientation Matches to play, to teaming up with friends and accessing improvement resources, all your initial queries are covered.

What’s the Deal with Orientation Matches?

how many orientation matches do I have to play before I can move on to other game modes?
byu/GivenAllTheFucksSry inapexlegends

Remember your first rollercoaster ride? The anticipation, the heart-pounding excitement, followed by the thrill of the ride itself? That’s what Orientation Matches in Apex Legends are designed to be—a mix of anticipation and learning, setting you up for the wild ride ahead.

What's the Deal with Orientation Matches?

  • A Newbie’s Best Friend: These matches are your primer, guiding you through the game’s basics in a less intimidating environment. Think of it as your playground before joining the big leagues. Whether it’s mastering the slide mechanic, learning to loot efficiently, or getting your first kill, Orientation Matches are here to help you build those skills in a pressure-free zone.
  • AI and New Player Mix: With a blend of AI bots and actual players, these matches offer a unique balance, allowing you to learn the ropes without the pressure of facing only hardcore gamers. This blend creates a dynamic learning environment where you can get a taste of both worlds—predictable AI behavior for basic training and unpredictable human actions for a real challenge.
  • And here’s the kicker: win two Orientation Matches, and you’ve earned your stripes to dive into the broader Apex universe. Easy? Maybe. Necessary? Absolutely. This is your moment to transition from a novice to a player ready to tackle the full intensity of the Apex Games.

Why Orientation Matches Matter

Entering the arena of Apex Legends for the first time can be as daunting as it is exciting.

But here’s the kicker: Orientation Matches are the ace up your sleeve, your secret weapon in mastering the chaos. Let’s dive into why these matches are not just a preliminary step, but a cornerstone in building a successful Apex career.

The Gateway to Mastery

The world of Apex Legends is vast and complex, filled with legends each wielding unique abilities that can turn the tide of battle. The learning curve? It’s more like a cliff. But fear not! Orientation Matches are your guided tour through this rugged terrain. They provide a sandbox to experiment with different legends, from the stealthy Wraith slipping through dimensions to Gibraltar’s domed shield providing sanctuary amidst chaos. It’s here, in these forgiving matches, where you’re free to explore each legend’s toolkit without the high stakes of a full match looming over you.

Confidence: Your Most Valuable Weapon

Think back to the first time you rode a bike. The initial wobbles, the inevitable falls, and then the exhilarating moment when you finally found your balance. That journey from uncertainty to confidence mirrors your path through Orientation Matches. Each victory, no matter how small, cements your belief in your ability to compete. Facing down bots and emerging victorious primes you for the real challenges ahead, teaching you the sweet thrill of survival and the strategic thinking needed to outlast your opponents. These early wins lay the foundation of your mental resilience, a critical asset in the high-octane battles of Apex Legends.

So, as you stand at the precipice of your Apex journey, remember that Orientation Matches are more than just a tutorial. They are your initiation, your rite of passage into the ranks of those who dare to claim the title of Champion. Embrace these matches, for they are your first step towards etching your name in the annals of Apex Legends history.

Joining the Orientation Match: A Step-by-Step Guide

Joining the Orientation Match A Step-by-Step Guide

Ready to get started? Here’s how to jump into an Orientation Match:

  1. Start Fresh: You’ll need a new account for this. Sorry, veterans, this ride is for rookies only. Think of it as your personal gateway to the thrilling universe of Apex Legends. Starting fresh ensures that you get the full orientation experience, tailor-made for those who are about to embark on their very first journey into the Apex arena.
  2. Complete Training: Before you can even think about an Orientation Match, you’ll need to pass the training mode. Consider it your basic training. This is where you’ll learn the essentials of movement, shooting, and survival. It’s your crash course in becoming a legend, ensuring you’re not stepping into the arena unprepared.
  3. Select Orientation Match: After training, you’ll see the Orientation Match option. Pick your legend, and let your Jump Master guide you to victory. This is where the real fun begins. Selecting your first legend is a pivotal moment, offering a glimpse into your future play style. Will you be the elusive Wraith, darting through dimensions, or the steadfast Gibraltar, providing cover for your team? The choice is yours, and it’s your first step towards defining your legacy in Apex.

And just like that, you’re in. Learn the ropes, feel the rush, and prepare for the real deal. This is your moment to shine, to go from a beginner to a battle-hardened contender. Embrace the Orientation Match as your rite of passage into the heart-pounding world of Apex Legends.

The Unspoken Benefits of Orientation Matches

The Unspoken Benefits of Orientation Matches

The Unspoken Benefits of Orientation Matches

Stepping into the world of Apex Legends can feel like diving into the deep end. But within the seemingly simple structure of Orientation Matches lie hidden treasures that can significantly influence your journey to becoming a legend. Let’s uncover these gems together and see how they transform your gameplay from the ground up.

Unlocking Your Strategic Mindset

Imagine a battlefield where the pressure is off, and the focus is on growth and experimentation. That’s the essence of an Orientation Match. It’s here, amidst the chaos of simulated combat, that you discover your inner tactician. Do you thrive in the thick of the fight, leading your squad through the fray? Or does your heart beat for the thrill of a well-placed sniper shot from a distance? Perhaps the silent steps of a stealth approach speak to you. This sandbox of strategic play allows you to explore various facets of combat, fine-tuning your approach to align with your natural inclinations. This experimentation is vital, shaping your playstyle in a way that feels instinctive and empowering when you step into the arena for real.

Forging Unbreakable Bonds Through Teamwork

There’s a saying in the Outlands: “The strength of the pack is the legend, and the strength of the legend is the pack.” In no place is this more evident than within the collaborative crucible of Orientation Matches. Communication and coordination are more than just tactics; they are the lifelines that bind your squad together. Here, in the low-stakes environment of these matches, you learn the language of the battlefield. Marking loot, calling out enemy positions, and strategizing your attack are all practices that, when honed here, become second nature. These foundational experiences in team dynamics are crucial, as they lay the groundwork for the deep, intuitive teamwork required to outlast and outwit your opponents in the higher stakes games to come.

In the grand scheme of your Apex Legends career, Orientation Matches are more than a mere stepping stone. They are a crucible where strategic geniuses are born and where teams forge the bonds that will carry them to victory. Embrace these matches for the unique opportunities they present, and watch as they transform you from a novice into a legend, ready to claim your place in the annals of the Apex Games.

Graduating from Orientation Matches

Securing victories in just two matches marks the beginning of your true journey in Apex Legends. However, this is merely the first step. Beyond the Orientation Matches, the battlefield evolves, and you’ll be pitting your skills against more experienced legends. This transition is where the real test begins. Leverage the knowledge and confidence you’ve gained from your Orientation Match experiences to navigate the complex dynamics of full-scale battles. It’s here that you start crafting your legacy and take significant strides toward achieving the coveted status of an Apex Champion.


How many Orientation Matches can I play?

You can play until you win two matches. After that, you’re considered ready for the main game modes.

Can I earn badges in Orientation Matches?

No, badges are not awarded in Orientation Matches to prevent experienced players from farming new ones easily.

Can I play with friends in Orientation Matches?

Yes, if you’re on a new account, you can invite friends of any level to join your Orientation Match.

What happens if I don’t win any Orientation Matches?

You will still graduate after a certain number of games, ensuring everyone moves on to standard matches eventually.

Are there any resources to help me improve?

Absolutely! Apex Legends offers a wealth of beginner guides and tutorials to help you enhance your skills and understanding of the game.

What ranks can play together in Orientation Matches?

New players can team up with friends of any rank, from Bronze to Predator, making it a versatile learning experience.

As you embark on your Apex Legends journey, remember that every champion was once a contender who refused to give up. Embrace the Orientation Matches as your stepping stone to greatness. Happy hunting, legends!

About Theron Nalls

I'm Theron Nalls, an Apex Legends veteran fascinated by its strategic depth and character diversity. On, I share concise, effective tips for all players. Let's master Apex Legends together!

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